Softcat grows but says customers ‘noticeably slowing rate of investment’
Top line rises 2.2% to £2.56bn as Softcat battles void created by large one-off deal the previous year
Top line rises 2.2% to £2.56bn as Softcat battles void created by large one-off deal the previous year
IT Channel Oxygen grabbed leaders from Softcat, Computacenter, Pax8, Atea and SHI to find out what they thought
From Softcat to WWT, how far along the road are the world's top IT resellers when it comes to science-based ...
Commitment will bring German giant into line with the likes of Softcat and Computacenter
Leaders from techUK, Softcat, Computacenter, Stone, QBS, Stone and Jigsaw24 give their view
Graham Charlton also stressed that he won't be making any ‘ego embellishing statements’
After 15-month handover, Graham Charlton gets paws on top job at UK’s largest reseller
Reseller and services giant aiming to cut absolute emissions by 90% by 2040
Software licensing reseller acquires Marlow-based AWS partner Cloud Bridge Technologies
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