VAD unveils new end-user sales focus as it rejigs its team
Distributor reveals 2023 net sales hit $48bn as it announces plans to list on NYSE
"We believe the market is returning to growth," new CEO Patrick Zammit says
Former Bell, Avnet and Tech Data leader appointed President of Infinigate
There may be no Gartner Magic Quadrant for it yet, but Distology has added ‘PR-as-a-Service’ – or PRaaS – to its growing services offering. It is one of...
Distributor CEO opens up on his closely guarded formula and why he’s refused to sell up
"Lion’s share of my targets are in western Europe – specifically DACH," Dale Foster tells us
"It won't be the same business," Tatham says of his decision to leave
“It makes much more sense to get scale through one system, so there are obvious synergies there."
Joe Hemani set to become one of ALSO’s major shareholders
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