Why less was more at Canalys Forums 2023
New bite-sized format may point way forward for wider industry, Doug Woodburn says
New bite-sized format may point way forward for wider industry, Doug Woodburn says
IT Channel Oxygen grabbed leaders from Softcat, Computacenter, Pax8, Atea and SHI to find out what they thought
Are AWS and Azure too dominant? IT Channel Oxygen gets the industry view
"We will see more and more companies switch to the channel," Canalys CEO says
“We think about the other 80% of partners that could be the partners of tomorrow,” Tom Perry says of Sherpa’s ...
Partner-delivered IT technologies and services set to account for over 73% of $4.7tn total
Vendors suffering from ‘surprising’ e-commerce and online sales and marketing skills shortage, Zoe Chatley tells IT Channel Oxygen
Cloud marketplaces a threat AND opportunity for partners, Canalys claims
Analysts Canalys, Gartner and IDC can't agree on what will happen in 2024
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