Oxygen 250 dinner in 20 pictures
The great and the good gather for gab and grub
The great and the good gather for gab and grub
Industry leaders give honest assessment of headway made at inaugural event
Chief Revenue Officer leaving to focus on his passions
"We're confident enough to approach the departments with our services," Chris Jones says
Oxygen 250 firms face choice between building cyber skills organically or buying them in
With combined revenues of nearly £27bn, the Oxygen 250 are the guardians of B2B tech spend in the UK
“We will do more M&A”, CEO of 9th-ranked outfit tells us
Invoiced revenue: £498.7m (+8%) Headcount: 414 Having spun out of Capita in April 2022, this York-based reseller leapt into the ...
'It's incredibly thorough', CEO Simon Williams tells IT Channel Oxygen
Simon Williams: 'There's a massive slowdown in M&A, but that enables more accurate valuations'
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