DTP, Prolinx, Centerprise and Pulsant among ten founding members of The Open Cloud Coalition
LSE-listed giant still set to deliver a second half that is "comfortably ahead" of last year
Analyst predicts global IT spending will swell by 9.3% next year
UK CEO swaps roles with top EMEA exec Darren Hardman
CEO Paul Bay hails ‘great investor response’ in Bloomberg interview
All the talking points as Softcat's full-year sales soar to £2.85bn
Popular industry figure given top job as J.D Hupp leaves to pursue another opportunity
Sophos partners welcome $859m deal, despite co-opetition concerns
Mainland Europe's largest reseller flags up "surprisingly weak" end-of-quarter
Agreement designed to offer public sector "enhanced value" for Microsoft's AI-powered products and services
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