Logicalis is poised to roll its sustainable travel platform across its entire business after lauding the success of a pilot involving around 50 UK staff.
According to its inaugural Responsible Business Report, the global IT solution provider’s total carbon emissions fell by 0.4% to 122,444 tCO2e in its year to 28 February 2024.
Although Logicalis claims it cut its Scope 1 and market-based Scope 2 emissions (by 27% and 17%, respectively), 96.7% of the total was generated by the Scope 3 emissions that often lie beyond its direct control.

Business travel is one (often sizeable) Scope 3 category that’s relatively easy to measure and reduce, Logicalis’ Head of Responsible Business, Charissa Jaganath, wrote in an article for IT Channel Oxygen in May.
That’s why Logicalis in March 2023 launched a partnership with sustainable travel management platform RouteZero.
The Datatec-owned outfit claimed the circa 50 employees who took part in the RouteZero pilot – which was designed empower employees to choose more sustainable travel plans – slashed their travel emissions by 42%.
“The goal is to expand the platform’s use across Logicalis’ operations to reduce business travel emissions,” it said.
Slashing Scope 1 and 2
Under targets approved by the Science Based Targets intiative earlier this year, Logicalis is aiming to halve its Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 2030, before reaching net zero on Scopes 1, 2 and 3 by 2050.
According to its latest data, Logicalis cut Scope 1 emissions by 27% to 854 tCO2e in its year to 28 February 2024.
Scope 2 emissions fell by 17% to 2,582 tCO2e using the market-based method but rose 9% to 3,174 tCO2e using the location-based method.
This progress is broadly in line with its UK channel partner peer group, who have according to IT Channel Oxygen research made steady progress on their Scope 1 and 2 emissions in recent years.
The global Cisco, IBM and Microsoft partner claims it also made inroads in its target of switching 75% of global operations to renewable energy by 2025 and 100% by 2030. In FY24, 11 operations across the UK, Germany, Spain and Australia switched to renewable energy, with further operations across Portugal, Germany, Ireland and The Channel Islands set to make the switch in the next 12 months.
Turning back to its Scope 3 emissions, Logicalis said it is on track to ensure 85% of its suppliers by spend, covering purchased goods and services, will have science-based targets by 2028.

“We believe that organisations like ours have a vital role to play in addressing climate change,” Bob Bailkoski, Logicalis CEO, stated.
“We are proud of the proactive steps that we have taken, we’re evolving into the Responsible Business we envisioned and will continue to strive for better outcomes for all our stakeholders through increasingly Responsible Business practices.
“At Logicalis, we aim to make the world a better place and our commitment to becoming a net zero carbon organisation by 2050 is a significant part of that.”